One Tree Point School Enrolment Scheme has been adopted from 1 January 2014.
School Zone
The zone is - travelling along One Tree Point Road from Port Marsden Highway, the zone includes all properties on One Tree Point Road and all properties on all roads off One Tree Point Road.
The zone continues along Stace Hopper Drive, Waitemata Drive, Rauiri Drive and Marsden Bay Drive, and includes all properties on these roads and all roads off these roads.
When Marsden Bay Drive meets Point Marsden Highway, the zone continues north and south along Point Marsden Highway. The zone continues along Marsden Point Road and includes all properties north of Sime Road.
The zone continues along Sime Road, including all properties on Kepa Road. The zone finishes at the end of Sime Road.
The zone continues south along Marsden Point Road including properties on the west side of the road and excluding properties on the east side of the road until it reaches McCathie Road. It travels along McCathie Road, including properties on the northern side of the road and excluding properties on the southern side of the road. The zone finishes at the Point Marsden Highway junction.
Important Information
All children living within the zone will be entitled to attend One Tree Point.
School Buses will not be affected by the scheme
We are not able to enrol a child until they turn 5 years old
Other local schools are Bream Bay College (Years 7-13), Ruakaka Primary and Waipu Primary.
The current school roll is approximately 220 and expected to continue to rise with the development of several nearby housing subdivisions well under way.
Enrolment - Cohort Entry
From 2021 the Board of Trustees adopted a cohort entry policy. This means that children who have turned 5 will start school in cohorts. There are two cohorts per term; Week 1 and Week 5.
New Entrants and their parents or caregivers are encouraged to particiipate in our transition to school programme or visit the school before the child’s fifth birthday. Our foundation room teacher will send out details to all families of children who are pre-enrolled.
For enrolment please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate or NZ Passport to verify their date of birth and the child’s immunisation certificate and proof of address, i.e. power bill, rent agreement, rates bill etc. At enrolment time the formalities to be completed include:
an enrolment form for school records
a record of immunisations
details of relevant medical conditions and medication
an asthma plan if required
bus travel arrangements if your child is eligible
Children may be enrolled when they turn five and must be enrolled by the age of six years unless granted special dispensation by the Ministry of Education. We will not admit short-stay students who remain on the roll of another school.
Download Enrolment Form
Please return completed forms to One Tree Point School office or alternatively return via email to: admin@otp.school.nz