School Hours
8.25am - Start of School
10:25am - 10:55am Morning Tea
12:25pm - 1:15pm Lunch Break
2.20pm - School Finishes
Children will be supervised from 7.50am onwards, we do not accept responsibility for children who arrive at school prior to this time. All children should be at school ready to learn by 8.15am.
Absence & Lateness
All students are expected to attend school every day unless they are unwell or there is a family emergency. The school is required by law to ensure student attendance. If a child is absent or late a note or telephone call is required from the parent or caregiver. An early phone call, text or email is appreciated or sending a note with a sibling. You can also send us a message through our website click here
The Ministry of Education Attendance Service will be contacted to assist the Board when there are cases of poor attendance or regular lateness.
Children should be at school and ready to start class by 8.25am when the bell rings. Children are able to be dropped off at school from 7.50am.
We don't have a school uniform although we expect children to be dressed appropriately for the weather conditions and for the activities in which they will be involved. Clothing must be clean and tidy. Children will be asked to wear the school sports uniform when representing our school. In Terms 1 and 4, a swimming costume and towel are essential requirements as swimming is an integral part of our Physical Education programme. Sun hats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4, these are on sale at the office at $17.00. We encourage appropriate dress such as shorts and tee shirts for Physical Education.
Please ensure that all clothing is the correct size for the child and preserves modesty.
No inappropriate slogans on hats, bags or clothes, please.
Jewellery and other ornamentation, with the exception of small ear studs and watches, is not permitted. If families wish their children to wear other items for religious or cultural reasons, a note to this effect is required and, for safety reasons, the items (e.g. pendants, crucifixes) should be worn under their outer clothing wherever possible and a letter must be written with a waiver.
(See also Lost Property)
Brain Food, Morning Tea & Lunch
We recognise the importance of good nutrition to learn and understand that there can be quite some time between breakfast and morning tea. All classes stop for a 'brain food break' at around 9.30am. We ask parents to send in an extra healthy snack ( fruits, yogurts, nuts etc) and a named drink bottle of water. Water is the only drink permitted at school and is available to the children all day. We advise children can bring their water bottles on a monday and keep them at school until the go home on the Friday. There are also drinking fountains situated around the school grounds that children may use at break times.
During morning tea and lunch breaks students play first and then return to class to eat at the end of the break.
Assemblies & Powhiri (Welcome Ceremonies)
School assemblies are held throughout the term; dates and times for assemblies will be communicated via our newsletter and Facebook page. Family / Whanau members are always welcome to attend.
Powhiri/Mihi whakatau (Welcome Ceremonies)
At the beginning of term 1 there is a formal powhiri ceremony to welcome new students and their families as well as new staff members. Invitations will be sent to the families of new students. Throughout the year we welcome all new students with a mihi whakatau held in classrooms, there is an opportunity for male representatives of the new student to speak if they wish.
Powhiri format: Our welcome ceremony follows the Tikanga of Patuharekeke, our local iwi.
School Stationery
Stationery can be purchased online from Office Max.
We appreciate all students ready to start school at the beginning of the year with all of their stationery requirements. Compulsory school hats are available from the school office for $15.00 each. Swim caps can also be purchased for $5.00.
Stationery lists are available online only at Office Max:
Valuables at School
Children should not have sums of money or valuables (other than watches) at school. If, however a student does have valuables or money for whatever reason, the teacher should take charge of the item for the day and return it to the student at home time. Should any valuable possessions be lost or damaged during school time, the school accepts no responsibility for the items or money.
School Photographs
A professional photographer is engaged every year to take class, individual and family photos. The purchase of photographs is, of course optional and the responsibilities of the families. All instructions regarding ordering photos will be sent home with students at the time photographs are being taken.
School Camps & Trips
From time to time school trips within school hours will be made with the approval of the Principal.
Applications for camps and overnight stays, will be submitted by the Principal for approval by Board of Trustees. Further details will be specific to each camp and trip and parents will be kept informed though notices.
Home Learning
Our homework policy aligns with current research that indicates too much homework in primary schools can be detrimental to overall achievement. We would prefer you to spend time talking with your children and looking for opportunities to link core curriculum in real life situations - baking, reading, outings etc. However we do encourage all children to read daily and learn basic facts in maths:
In junior rooms (Year1-3), students are expected to take part in home reading four nights a week. In addition you may be asked to assist your children in practicing concepts taught in reading and maths. Some classes will have a poem on the fifth night to read and share.
Year 5 and 6 students are encouraged to read from a variety of sources on a regular basis. Additional home learning tasks may be set online or sent home on occasion depending on the classroom curriculum.
Reporting to Parents
Our reporting processes aim to align with the Principles for Effective Reporting outlined by the Ministry of Education. More information can be found here:
Our reporting processes are as follows:
Term 1:
Seesaw portfolio which will include progress against the New Zealand Curriculum in reading, writing, maths, progress against student goals, and an example of discovery learning (depending on the curriculum focus for the term, science, technology, Health, Social Studies)
Term 2:
3 Way Conferences followed by a written summary of achievement in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum together with student goals.
Seesaw portfolio which will include progress against the New Zealand Curriculum in reading, writing, maths, progress against student goals, and an example of discovery learning (depending on the curriculum focus for the term, science, technology, Health, Social Studies)
Term 3:
Regular updates on classroom learning through Seesaw for Schools (depending on the curriculum focus for the term, science, technology, Health, Social Studies)
Term 4:
End of year summary report
Visitors to the School
All visitors to the school including parents and caregivers are asked to come to the office. Firstly, for safety reasons, we need to know who is on our school grounds at all times and, secondly, we aim to reduce classroom interruptions to a minimum.
Parents In School
Research indicates that parental involvement is a key factor in successful schools. Parental involvement has a positive influence on children’s progress and development. Many parents are happy to act as regular helpers at school, helping out in classrooms, in the library or on the lunch roster to give a few examples. However, others are unable to assist the school in this way due to work commitments and their support is offered in other areas such as the Board of Trustees, the PTA Committee or in fundraising activities.
In order to comply with the Privacy Act legislation, the school asks parents and caregivers who are happy to assist in classrooms to sign a code of conduct agreement. This may seem overly formal, but it is not intended to be. It serves a two-fold purpose:
(a) Our school families will have the confidence of knowing that their children are supported by helpers who are fully aware of their responsibilities.
(b) Parent helpers will be protected from the possibility of unpleasant repercussions should a problem arise in the classroom.
Code of Conduct for Parent Helpers:
Respect the integrity of the staff, students, trustees and parents.
Work cooperatively with the staff and trustees.
Anything that is discussed, overheard and seen relating to children and staff is to be kept confidential and not discussed outside the classroom or school, including through social media
Perform only the duties requested by the teacher.
Leave matters of student discipline to the classroom teacher.
Be in the classroom only when the teacher is present
Always have the teacher present or nearby when working with a group of children.
Support the authority of the teacher.
Abide by statutory obligations, school policies and by-laws. If in doubt, check with the teacher.
If you have any concerns over things you have observed and heard while at One Tree Point School then please follow them up through the appropriate lines of communication - teacher first, Deputy Principal if concern remains and lastly Principal.
Money Matters
Money for stationery purchased during the year should be taken directly to the office in the morning and stationery requirements purchased.
Money for all other payments and purchases should be placed in a sealed envelope with the name of the child(ren) and the amount written on the envelope.
(a) Envelopes with Lucky Book Club orders should be placed in the box on the office counter.
(b) All other payments are made through the cash books held in every classroom. This must be given to the teacher or cash book monitor (senior school only) before 8.25am. The amount is checked and the data entered in the class cashbook. Cashbooks are sent to the office for processing.
For security reasons, we ask that all money is presented before 8.25am. If, despite all the reminders given, a student forgets to hand in his/her money before 8.25am, it must be taken straight to the office, not left in the classroom or school bag.