School Buses
Criteria for Transport Assistance
Those entitled to school transport assistance are students under 10 who live more than 3.2 kilometres from the nearest school, and students 10 and over who live more than 4.8 kilometres from the nearest school where no suitable public passenger services are available. Ineligible students are required to make their own way, or be taken by parents, up to 1.6 kilometres to a school bus service.
If a student meets the eligibility criteria for distance from the nearest school, he or she will have an entitlement to assistance even if they do not attend the nearest school.
Transport assistance does not necessarily mean use of a school bus service. The different forms of transport assistance available are:
the school bus service
private conveyance allowance
public transport allowance
taxi service for special education students
School transports network may allow ineligible students to travel on the bus as long as eligible students are not disadvantaged. School bus operators may charge ineligible students a fare. Students are not eligible to catch a bus from where the bus stop is over the halfway point between schools. They must find their own way to the half way point.
Bus Routes:
Safe Use of Buses
Students must always get on or off the bus through the passenger door on the left side of the bus. They must never use the door on the right hand side of the bus (the emergency exit) unless there is an emergency.
Students must not get on or off a bus when it is moving.
After getting off a bus, students must wait on the side of the road until the bus has moved at least two power poles away, so that they have a clear view of the road before crossing.
Students must keep well clear of the bus while it is being turned or reversed. A driver reversing a bus in an area close to students must post a teacher or senior student to keep children away from the reversing bus. The driver must signal when it is safe to board the bus.
Bus monitors should be instructed to keep the children in a safe place, while they wait to board the bus. Whenever possible, students should get on the bus beforeit has turned or reversed, or get off afterit has turned or reversed.
If there is a breakdown that requires students to leave the bus (eg a flat tyre) they must stand clear of the bus and off the road.
Except in an emergency or breakdown, students must not leave the bus between their normal pick up or drop off point and the school. The school must provide permission in advance if students are to get off at any other point.
Bus Complaints
Bus complaints follow a strict procedure –the driver fills out a form (Bream Bay Bus Network Schools comply) and the school follows up complaints and will notify parents.
How parents/caregivers can assist with safety:
Go with the children to the bus stop; student safety and welfare is the responsibility of parents before the bus arrives.
When collecting children from the bus stop by car, get out of the car and meet them as they get off the bus, on the same side of the road that the bus has stopped and go with them to the car.
Young children are not capable of judging traffic speed and distance accurately. They should always be supervised, by a parent or caregiver, when crossing the road to or from the bus stop.
To promote bus safety children and parents are expected to sign a yearly bus contract.