Otangarei Festival 2021
Our senior kapa haka made us all extremely proud at the Otangarei Cultural Festival. They were amazing! They performed with passion and...
We Won Showquest!
This year 38 One Tree Point year 4-6 students entered the online NZ Showquest. We worked hard across 2 terms to put together a themed,...
Bream Bay Matariki Festival
Our first ever Bream Bay Schools Matariki Festival was held last Friday - it was a truly awesome day. We started with a powhiri attended...
Fun in the Sun at our Whanau Beach Picnic
What a wonderful evening! We all enjoyed our meet and greet by the beach, the weather was perfect and the sea was warm - what more could...
Painting the Bus Shelter at Takahiwai
The 'Friends of the Berm at Takahiwai is a local community group created to beautify the roadside along Takahiwai Road. As part of this...
Welcome to our new website and blog
Welcome to our new website and our first One Tree Point School blog, this is the space where we share with you our news, thoughts and...