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Our Vision and Values


Empowering Learners who C.A.R.E.

Te Whakamana i ngā Ākonga e Tiaki ana

Ma Te Mahi Ka Ora

From hard work comes success

Empowered learners are motivated, engaged and have confidence in their abilities; they have opportunities to make decisions that make a difference in their lives and in the lives of others.

Our school vision was developed through consultation across our community:

we aim to develop empowered learners who are motivated, engaged and have confidence in their abilities; they have opportunities to make decisions that make a difference in their lives and in the lives of others. 

Our C.A.R.E. values ensure we focus on the whole child and develop caring and compassionate future citizens.  They form the foundation of our school culture and are embedded in everything we do. 

The artwork for our values incorporates key elements from our school logo which reflect our local environment. These elements have been selected to align with each value. Each of our teams has the name of a whale and the whale tale in the logo signifies our learners and the values we aim to develop as they travel through our school - Te Ara Kahika - the chiefs pathway.

Our C.A.R.E. Values



Mauria te pono - Believe in yourself

  • Believe in yourself - Give it a go!

  • Be a problem Solver


Manaaki Moana, Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere whakamua  - Care for the ocean, care for the land, care for the people, go forward.

  • Use our manners

  • Look after ourselves, others and the environment


He aroha whakatō; he aroha puta mai -

if kindness is shown; then kindness you shall receive

  • Kind words, kind actions

  • Include others


​Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi - With your basket and my basket the people will live

  • Persevere - keep trying

  • Be supportive

One Tree Point Tu Ariki.png
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