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Painting the Bus Shelter at Takahiwai

Painting the bus shelter at Takahiwai

The 'Friends of the Berm at Takahiwai is a local community group created to beautify the roadside along Takahiwai Road. As part of this project we were invited to join in by painting a mural on the two very sad and neglected school bus shelters. Our project started earlier this year when Dr Benjamin Pitman a member of our local iwi and world-renown artist came to our school and worked with every child to design a leaf, Dr Pitman then transposed the leaves onto the bus shelter.

We had a long wait for warmer weather and then, finally, approximately 50 children in small groups were transported to the bus shelters to paint the mural - the instructions from Dr Pitman were clear - " let the children go for it, no rules as to colour, let them be creative". We certainly achieved these instructions!

The bus shelters look absolutely amazing - thanks to Mrs Weir and Mrs West for overseeing our artistss.

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